Argumentative Essay

How to Write an Argumentative Essay for Grade 12 Final Examination

Are you searching for guidance on how to write an argumentative essay? Look no further! In this article, we will provide you with helpful examples and comprehensive explanations to assist you in mastering the art of argumentative essay writing.

An argumentative essay falls under the genre of writing that requires the writer to thoroughly examine a topic, gather, generate, and evaluate evidence, and present a clear perspective on the issue at hand.

While it may seem challenging at first, with practice, writing argumentative essays can become relatively easy. To effectively write an argumentative essay, it is crucial to have a strong argument as your chosen topic and the different structures to use. Further, you need cool tricks to help you to hack the exam.

Your argument should heavily rely on evidence and logic to convince your readers. However, it is worth noting that there is a slight degree of flexibility within the essay.

For instance, your thesis statement may include an opinion or a controversial idea. While it is important to support your opinion with facts, you can incorporate your own viewpoint in the essay without deviating from the essay’s objective.

Types of Argumentative Essays

Argumentative essays come in various forms. Understanding the different types will help you choose the most suitable approach for your topic. Let’s explore three common types of argumentative essays:

  1. Rogerian Argumentative Essay: This type of essay is ideal for exploring controversial topics. Developed by Carl Rogers, the Rogerian style emphasizes maintaining a balanced perspective by considering both sides of the argument. Instead of favoring one opinion over another, the aim is to find a resolution that bridges the gap between the two. This approach promotes intellectual honesty and responsible thinking.
  2. Classic Argumentative Essay: This type of essay aims to sway the reader to a specific point of view. Developed by Aristotle, it requires the presentation of claims, counterarguments, and an overall claim about the topic being argued. The goal is to convince the reader that your perspective is the most concise and factual.
  3. Toulmin Argumentative Essay: In this type of essay, arguments are broken down into various elements to prove a point effectively. The key elements of a Toulmin argumentative essay include the claim, grounds, warrant, qualifier, rebuttal, and backing. Each element plays a crucial role in substantiating your argument and persuading your readers to take your side. This type of essay is particularly useful when there are multiple possible solutions to an argument. It also lends itself well to debates and discussions, as it presents both sides for consideration.

Tips on How to Make an Argumentative Essay

Writing an argumentative essay can be a daunting task, particularly if you are not accustomed to this style of writing. However, by following some simple guidelines, you can ensure that your essay is coherent, convincing, and well-received:

  1. Choose a topic with strong talking points: Selecting a topic that offers robust arguments will make it easier for you to construct strong and coherent arguments. This will also help dictate the direction of your essay.
  2. Use the correct tone: Many people mistakenly believe that assertiveness in argumentative essays equates to being aggressive and argumentative. However, this approach will not win you any points with your readers. Instead, aim to present convincing arguments calmly and clearly. The introduction section of your essay should be the platform for presenting your arguments, while the supporting information should be dispersed throughout the body of your essay.
  3. Rely on factual statements: When presenting your arguments, it is crucial to base them on well-researched and thought-out facts. Factual evidence ensures that your arguments are reliable and credible. Opinions, while they can be included, should always be supported by factual research.
  4. Maintain logical and concise arguments: To keep your readers engaged and enable them to follow your train of thought easily, it is important to present your arguments in a logical and concise manner. This will help them understand your perspective and reasoning.
  5. Summarize relevant points in the conclusion: In the conclusion section of your essay, make sure to provide a clear and concise summary of all the relevant talking points. This will reinforce your main arguments and leave a lasting impression on your readers.
  6. Thoroughly proofread your work: Typos and grammatical errors can significantly impact the quality and credibility of your essay. Hence, it is essential to proofread your work meticulously throughout the writing process.

By incorporating these tips into your writing process, you will be well on your way to creating a high-quality argumentative essay that is both easy to understand and compelling to your readers.

How to Create an Outline for Your Argumentative Essay

Now that you have a better understanding of the key tips for writing an argumentative essay, let’s delve into the process of creating an outline. This step-by-step guide will help you structure your essay effectively, even if you are a beginner:

  1. Research your topic: Before diving into the writing process, conduct in-depth research to gather suitable evidence that supports your argument. Having a clear understanding of your topic beforehand will make it easier for you to structure your essay.
  2. Introduction: Begin your essay by introducing the reader to the topic you will be discussing. The introductory paragraph serves as a hook to capture your readers’ interest. Ensure that your introduction is easy to understand, providing a brief background on the topic to enhance comprehension.
  3. Hypothesis or Premise: Present your main arguments or claims about the topic. You can pose questions that need to be answered or provide evidence to support your claims. This section forms the basis of your argument in the essay, so remember to back up each point with evidence from your research.
  4. Body: The body of your essay should consist of paragraphs dedicated to supporting your argument. Each paragraph should focus on a different point or piece of evidence that reinforces your thesis statement. Use logical reasoning, analysis, and additional research to persuade your readers.
  5. Conclusion: Summarize all the main points discussed in the body of your essay. The conclusion serves as a brief recapitulation of your arguments, reminding your readers of the key points you have presented. Additionally, use this section to address and refute any opposing arguments that may arise.

Using AI to write an Argumentative Essay

If you find yourself in need of assistance in writing a high-quality argumentative essay, there are several AI-assistant writing software options available that can provide you with guidance and support.

These advanced tools are designed to assist you in crafting various academic papers, including argumentative essays.

By utilizing these AI-assistant tools, you can receive valuable insights, suggestions, and resources to enhance your writing process and improve the overall quality of your essay.

These tools can help you with tasks such as generating topic ideas, organizing your thoughts, providing examples and templates, suggesting strong arguments, and offering grammar and style recommendations.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced writer, utilizing AI-assistant writing software can be a valuable asset in creating a well-crafted and persuasive argumentative essay.


By familiarizing yourself with the different types of argumentative essays, you can select the one that best aligns with your topic and argument. In conclusion, writing an argumentative essay requires careful planning, strong arguments supported by evidence, and a clear structure. By following the tips provided and understanding the different types of argumentative essays, you can create a compelling and well-structured essay that effectively presents your perspective on the issue at hand.

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